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I was born in Sefton Park, Liverpool in the sixties, a hard-working, multicultural sea port, bursting with international shipping.

From its midst grew a huge music scene led by The Beatles, along with comedians galore and two fiercely rivaled football teams; for a decade or so, it was the place to be.


However, as the city crested its wave and drifted into massive industrial decline, I grew out of childhood and fell into major problems of my own.


However, after two years locked up in a tough Borstal (young offenders’ institution) I sat at my mother’s kitchen table, aged 19, and muttered the following prophetic words, almost in a daydream.

“There’s something about all this, as if it’s a deliberate test,

a riddle that I’m supposed to figure out.”

And I knew in my heart that if I could just find the key, I’d spend the rest of my life helping others do the same.

At the time, I still faced two further prison terms, but I battled for my solution, and when it eventually came it completely blew my socks off. 


The key was to realise that my ‘True Self’ was trapped inside a false, outer personality, that I’d steadily constructed since childhood; it was a persona that was killing me. 


Quite simply, the realisation of the True, caused the False to crumble and fall.  


Almost 40 years later, I’m still free, and have certainly fulfilled those prophetic words of my youth. 

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